My name is Henna Mattila (b. 1990, Kauhajoki, Finland) and I'm a Finnish visual artist and educator. I'm based in Tornio, Finland and in Haparanda, Sweden. The main focus of my work is on my artistic practice and education, and I actively work on projects both nationally and internationally. I'm available for commissions in Finland, Sweden, UK and around the world. For any inquiries or to say hello, please send an email to info(a)
Olen Henna Mattila (s. 1990, Kauhajoki), kuvataiteilija ja opettaja. Asun ja työskentelen Torniossa ja Ruotsin Haaparannalla. Työni pääpainopisteet ovat omassa taiteellisessa työskentelyssäni sekä opetuksessani, ja työskentelen aktiivisesti projektien kanssa, sekä kansallisesti että kansainvälisesti. Olen käytettävissä Suomessa, Ruotsissa, Isossa-Britanniassa ja ympäri maailmaa. Jos sinulla on kysyttävää tai vain tervehdys, voit lähettää minulle sähköpostia osoitteeseen info(a)
Jag heter Henna Mattila (f. 1990, Kauhajoki, Finland) och jag är bildkonstnär och lärare. Jag bor och arbetar i Torneå, Finland och i Haparanda. Huvudfokus för mitt arbete är min konstnärliga praktik och utbildning, och jag arbetar aktivt med projekt, både nationellt och internationellt. Jag är tillgänglig för uppdrag i Finland, Sverige, Storbritannien och runt om i världen. För eventuella förfrågningar eller för att säga hej, vänligen skicka ett mejl till info(a)

Henna Mattila's art investigates the relationship between memory and landscape, and the aesthetics of landscape and nature. Combining the analogue techniques of photomontage with digital printing processes and painting methods, the images depict fragmented landscapes creating a sense of melancholia. The work questions how identity is created through an individual's surroundings, through the separation from, and then return back to familiar environments that, "seem different and yet somehow the same".
Besides using experimental painting approaches, the artworks have been created combining landscape and nature photography, creating the aesthetics of exploring the personal nostalgic experience of returning to the landscapes of significant personal attachment. The images are without human element
but evoke the feeling of a lone presence.
The pictures are an attempt to visualise the landscapes as places to visit without destination when exploring the definition of self, while having sharpening perception towards one's surroundings. The images are a celebration of the beauty found in the silent details of nature and changes of colour, light and season. The several series of images are individual chapters of separate visual approaches to the same questions of identity, aimless wanders in nature and how one exists in relationship to their surroundings and to themselves.

2019-2022 MA Art Education, University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland
Cultural History, Art History, Special Needs Pedagogy, Gender Studies & Philosophy
2017 Cambridge CELTA, Concorde International, Canterbury, UK
2013-2014 MA Curatorial Practice, University for the Creative Arts, Canterbury, UK

2010-2013 BA (Hons) Photography, Contemporary Practice, University for the Creative Arts, Rochester, UK

2009-2010 Foundation degree in traditional photography, Västra Nylands Folkhögskola, Karis, Finland

2006-2009 Baccalaureate, Kauhajoki Upper Secondary School, Kauhajoki, Finland

Young Arctic Artist, Rovaniemi, Finland, 2021
Pro Gradu Grant, Kauhajoki Culture Foundation, Kauhajoki, Finland, 2020

Winner of Magnum & Photo London Graduate Photographer Award, London, UK, 2015

FreshFaced + WildEyed 2014 Award, The Photographers' Gallery, London, UK, 2014

Time, The Telegraph, Humble Arts Foundation, DER GREIF, Fotografia Magazine, 
Eyes on Talent, You Can See, CreativeReview, HotShoe, Source, Kide, 
Lapin Kansa, Norsk Rikskringkasting, Se Kunst Magasin, Arctic Arts Summit

Hautamäki, R. & Mattila, H. (2022). Boheemia taiteilijaelämää - brondistit luomassa taiteen uutta henkeä.
In T. Hautala-Hirvioja, M. Löfgren Autti & U. Viitanen (Eds.)
Taidetta tunteella - suomalaista ekspressionismia 1900-luvun alusta 1960-luvulle (s. 44-53). Rovaniemen Taidemuseo.
COMING UP: Galleria Taidekamari, Tornio, Finland, 12/2024
Hallaa, Savukoski Municipal Hall, Savukoski, Finland, 2024
Taivaanrannan tällä puolen, Hella Galleria, Kauhajoki, Finland, 2023
Horizons, Tornio City Library, Tornio, Finland, 2023
Horizons - Artist of the Month, Rovaniemi Art Museum Korundi, Rovaniemi, Finland, 2023
Artist of the Month, Still Standing, Seinäjoki, Finland, 2011

The Annual and Theme Exhibitions of The Artists' Association, Galleria Taidekamari, Tornio, Finland, 2022 - 2024
Todistajat - veden grafiikkaa, Galleria Kajo, Rovaniemi, Finland, 2021
Young Arctic Artists KAMPPAILU / FIGHT, Alta Kunstforening, Alta, Norway, 2021
Young Arctic Artists KAMPPAILU / FIGHT, Galleria Napa & Mustanapa, Rovaniemi, Finland, 2021
Revitalisation, Galleria Valo, Arktikum Museum & Science Centre, Rovaniemi, Finland, 2021
Art is Something Much More Dangerous, Horsebridge Gallery, Whitstable, UK, 2018
DER GREIF A Process 2.0, Krakow Photo Month, Krakow, Poland, 2016
Online Group Show 48: Winter Pictures, Humble Arts Foundation, New York City, USA, 2016
Magnum & Photo London Graduate Photographer Award Screening, Somerset House, London, UK, 2015
MA Degree Show, University for the Creative Arts, Canterbury, UK, 2014
FreshFaced + WildEyed 2014, The Photographers' Gallery, London, UK, 2014
A Response to The Nature of The Landscape, Turner Contemporary, Margate, UK, 2013
Graduate show, University for the Creative Arts, Rochester, UK, 2013
’The Wrong Side Photography Exhibition’ Group exhibition, Deaf Cat Pop Up Shop, Rochester, UK, 2012
’VNF – Fotokonst’ Group exhibition, Art Café & Pub SerendiPity, Karjaa, Finland, 2010
’VNF – Fotokonst / Webdesign’ Group exhibition, Galleri Zebra, Karjaa, Finland, 2010
The Artists’ Association of Lapland, Finland
Tornio Visual Art Association (Vice President)
Tornio Camera Association
OAJ The Trade Union of Education, Finland
Kuvis Ry, Association of Visual Arts Education, Finland

Kemin Taidelainaamo MeriNapa
Kemi, Finland
Lapin Taiteilijaseuran Taidelainaamo Napa
Rovaniemi, Finland

Millennium Images
London, UK
Kiitos, tack så mycket & thank you!
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